12|Fibre Optics|BDCOM|EPON CPE BDCOM EPON Small Form-Factor Subscriber (ONU) with 1x Gb LAN for FTTx BDCOM-P1501DT R427.80 (Incl. VAT) Sold Out This BDCOM ONU is an EPON ONU with 1 Gigabit port, designed for multi-service networks. It supports a symmetric uplink/downlink PON transmission rate of 1.25Gbps. It can achieve a 1:64 splitting ratio once connected with a BDCOM OLT, and offer a network coverage radius of up to 20km. View
12|Fibre Optics|BDCOM|Power Supplies BDCOM OLT/Switch DC Power Supply (36-72V DC Input) BDCOM-PWR-150-DCPOR Sold Out View
12|Fibre Optics|SFP Modules|EPON CPE BDCOM Subscriber (ONU), WiFi, 1x GB, 3x 100Mbps BDCOM-P1704-4F-EPOR Sold Out The BDCOM-P1704-4F-E is a subscriber, designed for integrated multi-service networks. It features a 2.5Gbps downlink and an uplink of 1.25Gbps. It can achieve a 1:128 splitting ratio when connected with a BDCOM OLT and it covers a radius of 20km. View