Increase the speed of your IP network with Bequant
How can Bequant optimise your network?
Internet users often experience bad Internet quality, which is mostly caused by TCP latency. When the traffic flows through the Bequant node, the Bequant TCP Acceleration (BTA) will optimise the speed experienced by W/ISP subscribers. This will improve customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as reduce customer support issues.

TCP Optimisation & Acceleration
Increase the speed of your network with TCP Optimisation.

See what services are used in your network with the advanced DPI technology of Bequant.

Bandwidth Management
Save bandwidth and avoid congestion by controlling the speed of specific applications.
The DPI Analytics in the BQN node will also show you which services are being used the most, and at what times. With DPI, the Bequant Bandwidth Management (BBM) functionality can identify and control the speed of some of those services to avoid congestion and create fair network usage.
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