How to build a wireless ISP with RADWIN – Part 3

Rolling out a physical network is the most expensive and most important step in the wireless journey. In our previous article, we discussed planning through Radwin’s R-Planner and once the correct site data has been measured and implemented, we are ready to begin the roll-out.

Click here to read part 1 and part 2 of this series.

This third step starts with the Service Estimation Tool (SET), which draws data from R-Planner and has all your pre-planned high-sites and coverage maps already pulled through from R-Planner. SET matches this information against real-world data, such as street addresses. SET allows you to see whether or not a client has coverage, and what sort of service you can offer them by matching the data from R-Planner. This can be done instantly, without a physical site-visit or a line-of-sight check. Reducing time-intensive onsite surveys

The RADWIN SET tool assists in securing optimal coverage and capacity while minimising capital and operational expenditures. It also helps to maximise the best possible utilisation of spectrum resources and is an indispensable tool that provides significant value when planning new projects and evaluating budgets before network roll-out.

Another complementary feature for Radwin deployments is WINDeploy, a cloud-based deployment management tool. It enables the management and monitoring of small to large deployments.

WINDeploy allows you to import installation tasks and dispatch work orders to your installation team. This cloud-based platform also enables the monitoring of deployment quality, efficiency and real-time progress of your network roll-out.

Lastly, in order to streamline this end-to-end installation process even further, we recommend using  RADWIN’s FREE WINTouch App. This innovative app enables you to automate your subscriber unit configurations, align your antennas and verify your service quality all through your smartphone!

When using these three tools with your RADWIN solutions, you will be surprised by how simple and quick the installation process becomes! Keep an eye out for our next and final article in our “How to build a wireless ISP series, where we will take a closer look at WINManage, a highly advanced network management system and the only paid-for part of Radwin’s OSS toolset.

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